Visits and Outings Policy
At Rabbit Patch Day Nursery, we offer children a range of local outings including walks and visits off the premises. We believe that planned outings and visits complement and enhance the learning opportunities inside the nursery environment and extend children’s experiences. We always seek parental permission for children to be included in such outings.
Visits and outings are carefully planned using the following procedures along with any local and national guidelines, whatever the length or destination of the visit:
- A pre-visit checklist, full risk assessment and outings plan will always be carried out by a senior member of staff before the outing to assess the risks or hazards which may arise for the children, and identify steps to be taken to remove, minimise and manage those risks and hazards. We will endeavour to visit the venue prior to the visit. This will ensure that the chosen venue is appropriate for the age, stage and development of the children
- Written permission will always be obtained from parents before taking children out
- We provide appropriate staffing levels for outings dependent on an assessment of the safety and the individual needs of the children.
- At least one member of staff will hold a valid and current full paediatric first aid certificate and this will be increased where risk assessment of proposed activity deems it necessary
- We designate one member of staff to be the outing leader, this may be the most senior member of staff attending and it will be their role to take the lead in the event of any emergencies and/or incidents (see Missing child from outings Policy) and any safeguarding or child protection concerns (see Safeguarding children and child protection policy)
- A fully stocked first aid box will always be taken on all outings along with any special medication or equipment required
- A completed trip register together with all parent and staff contact numbers will be taken on all outings
- Regular headcounts will be carried out throughout the outing. Timings of headcounts will be discussed in full with the nursery manager prior to the outing
- All staff will be easily recognisable by other members of the group; they will wear the nursery uniform and high visibility vests or jackets
- Children will be easily identified by staff when on a trip by use of a sticker system. The nursery name, number and mobile number will be displayed
- A fully charged nursery mobile phone will be taken as a means of emergency contact (staff are reminded of the mobile phone policy and asked to leave personal phones at the setting)
- In the event of an accident, staff will assess the situation. If required, the group will return to nursery immediately and parents will be contacted to collect their child.
In the event of a serious accident an ambulance will be called at the scene, as well as parents being contacted. One member of staff will accompany the child to the hospital, and the rest of the group will return to the nursery.
Risk assessment and outings plan
The full risk assessment and outing plan will be displayed for parents to see before giving consent. This plan will include details of:
- The name of the designated person in charge – the outing leader
- The name of the place where the visit will take place
- The estimated time of arrival at the place where they are visiting and expected time they will arrive back at the nursery
- The number of children, age range of children, the ratio of staff to children, children’s individual needs and the group size
- The equipment needed for the trip i.e. first aid kit, mobile phone, coats, safety reins, pushchairs, rucksack, packed lunch etc.
- Staff emergency contact numbers
- Method of transportation and travel arrangements (including the route)
- Financial arrangements
- Emergency procedures
- The name of the designated first aider and the first aid provision
- The name of the designated safeguarding lead for the outing
- Links to the child’s learning and development needs.
Use of vehicles for outings
- All staff members shall inform parents in advance of any visits or outings involving the transportation of children away from the nursery
- The arrangements for transporting children will always be carefully planned and where necessary additional staff or volunteers will be used to ensure the safety of the children. This is particularly important where children with disabilities are concerned
- All vehicles used in transporting children are properly licensed, inspected and maintained
- Regular checks are made to the nursery vehicle e.g. tyres, lights etc. and a logbook of maintenance, repairs and services is maintained
- The nursery vehicle is to be kept in proper working order, is fully insured for business use and is protected by comprehensive breakdown cover
- Drivers of vehicles are adequately insured
- All vehicles used are fitted to the supplier’s instructions with sufficient numbers of safety restraints appropriate to the age and/or weight of the children carried in the vehicle. Any minibuses or coaches are fitted with 3-point seat belts
- When we use a minibus, we check that the driver is over 21 years of age and holds a Passenger Carrying Vehicle (PCV) driving licence. This entitles the driver to transport up to 16 passengers
- When children are being transported, we maintain ratios.
When planning a trip or outing using vehicles, records of vehicles and drivers including licenses, MOT certificates and business use insurance are checked. If a vehicle is used for outings the following procedures will be followed:
- Ensure seat belts, child seats and booster seats are used
- Ensure the maximum seating is not exceeded
- All children will be accompanied by a registered member of staff
- No child will be left in a vehicle unattended
- Extra care will be taken when getting into or out of a vehicle
- The vehicle will be equipped with a fire extinguisher and emergency kit containing warning triangle, torch, blankets, wheel changing equipment etc.
Missing children
In the event of a child going missing, the Missing child from outings policy will be followed. Any incidents or accidents will be recorded in writing and Ofsted will be contacted and informed of any incidents.
There may be opportunities for parents to assist on outings. The manager will speak to parents prior to the visit regarding health and safety and code of conduct.
In the event of an emergency
In the event of an emergency whilst out on a visit, we encourage staff to find a safe haven and remain there until the danger passes. If necessary, the police will be contacted if it is safe to do so. Each outing will have a detailed risk assessment, which covers all these risks and is planned ahead.
This could cover other issues such as extreme weather or emergencies such as an ill or injured child, etc.
We will contact parents of the children on the visit to confirm arrangements as soon as it is safe to do so.
Ofsted will be contacted and informed of any incidents.
Further information can be found at:
This policy was adopted on | Signed on behalf of the nursery | Date for review |
31/10/2023 | Chevelle White | October 2024 |
Our facilities