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Cherry Blossom Room

12 months to 2 years

Our Cherry Blossom room caters for children aged 12 months to 2 years old. Cherry Blossoms is situated in the center of our nursery and enjoys the same access to the outside through a large set of doors leading on to a sectioned off part of the decking covered by a canopy so they can enjoy their own outdoor space before reaching the larger garden space.

The children in this room enjoy a beautiful section in the center of the nursery which we created to increase their available space. A cosy and colourful space for exploring open ended resources.

We provide a seamless link between the inside and outside so children can move freely between the two. This means that the children’s play is not hindered by strict timings and allows them to become fully immersed in their learning, discovery and independence.

Email us 01403 891976

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